
콤팩트 테스트 스탠드 및 지그

  • EV Battery assembly Mass Flow Leak Tester for Re-work line.
  • Test pressure: 3KPa for assembly / 5bar for cooling line
  • Detector: I28-Differential Mass Flow (CTS)
  • Four different type of Sealing connectors
  • Three for assembly, one set for cooling line.
  • Estimated cycle time: 5minutes
  • Reject Leak Rate:
    • 20sccm for Assembly
    • 2sccm for cooling line.
관리자 2023-01-06 73
  • Retrofit of CTSI28 to get dual pressure sources.
  • LTS developed Sealing connector
    • EV battery cooling plate sealing
  • Parent link test.
관리자 2023-01-06 52
  • MaskAir Leak Test System
    • Vacuum Decay with vacuum generator
  • Manual Test bench (No PLC control)
  • Leak Detector: Black Belt (CTS)
  • Air actuated sealing connector
    • CI type by CTS
  • Test Pressure: -7.0KPa
  • Reject limit: 70Pa/sec.
  • Cycle time: 30 seconds
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  • PHEV자동차용배터리Leak Test
  • Pack Ass’y& Coolant Leak Test
  • Air Leak Detector: CTS C28WE
  • Test Pressure: 0.5psig & 30psig
  • Cycle time: 2~4min.
관리자 2023-01-06 52